Economics Center
225 Calhoun Street, Suite 370
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Student Enterprise Program (StEP)
The Student Enterprise Program (StEP) serves students in low-income neighborhoods in the region. In StEP, students (age 5-14) earn school currency for good behavior, academic achievement, and good attendance. Quarterly, that income can be spent on basic school supplies, all the way to big ticket items (such as a basketball or an mp3 player). For the latter, a student has to save his/her school earnings all year long. Students can also choose to save their income (with interest) or donate it to a charity of their choosing. The concept of a school store provides a framework for the business volunteers to engage with students in real-world ideas and concepts: choices, responsibilities, and earnings, saving/spending/donating; it is a safe place to practice real-world skills. The program supports academic achievement through its activities that are connected to math, reading and writing, and social studies.
Website: Amount: $25,000
Date: June 2021