Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati`

2400 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Adopt-A=School/Site Bedaed Mentoring The demand of families seeking mentors for their children is always significantly greater than the number of volunteers available to serve these youth. Big Brothers Big Sisters' Adopt-A-School program, supporting itsSite-Based Mentoring, addresses this need while serving the children who need help the most and who are often the most difficult to reach. The program occurs one hour weekly throughout the 10-month school year and continues through the summer. Each week, Littles meet with their Bigs--during lunch, after school or during the school day, at a school or a community site such as a Boys and Girls Club. Typically referred by their teachers, these children/youth primarily live in single-parent and/or economically disadvantaged homes. Site-Based Mentoring allows BBBS to reach more children, in part by recruiting adult mentors who are more comfortable visiting Littles at a school or supervised site. The goal is to serve 278 children in 2021 through this program.

Amount: $20,000
Date: April 2021

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731