New Life Furniture

11335 Reed Hartman Highway, Unit 134
Cincinnati, OH 45241

Beds for Kids Program

The Beds for Kids program provides beds for children in Greater Cincinnati who live with a parent, relative, or caregiver in a bare, unfurnished dwelling and sleep on bare floors or on makeshift bedding because their family cannot afford beds.  Each year since 2009, children under 19 years of age have accounted for more than half of the people New Life Furniture served. In 2019, furniture was delivered to 890 households consisting of 1,817 people, including 936 children (52%). In 2019, 1,179 mattresses were delivered to the 890 households.  Beds are needed by nearly every family served, but donations of gently used beds do not always keep pace with the number of requests for beds. When that occurs, New Life Furniture Bank must buy new beds or deny the request. When families are denied, their children continue to sleep on bare floors.

Amount: $25,000
Date: October 2020

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731