St. Vincent de Paul - Cincinnati

1125 Bank Street
Cincinnati, OH 45214

Sleep Tight: Beds for Cincinnati Children in Need For more than 150 years, St. Vincent de Paul-Cincinnati (SVDP) has provided basic necessities to vulnerable Cincinnati neighbors and alleviated suffering as the region’s largest provider of emergency assistance. Families come to SVDP during financial struggles, and SVDP helps them to make ends meet. SVDP’s “Sleep Tight: Beds for Cincinnati Children in Need” addresses the hidden crisis that thousands of local children do not have their own place to sleep at night. For families who can’t make ends meet, even the cost of a bed for their child can be too much to bear. Whether exiting a homeless shelter, escaping an abusive relationship, recovering from a bed bug infestation, or simply struggling to get by in a new apartment, the families SVDP serves through this program are not able to buy their children their own beds. A Dater Foundation grant enabled SVDP to provide free beds to 192 children in need throughout Cincinnati. These children are no longer sharing beds with parents and siblings or sleeping on cushions or towels on the floor; they are sleeping in their own warm, safe beds and set on a path for a greater success and a brighter future.

Amount: 25,000
Date: July 2019


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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731