Friends of Sunrock Farm

103 Gibson Lane
Wilder, KY 41076

Scholarships for low income, at risk youth

Through fun, experiential activities such as hands-on animal care, gardening, and creek exploration, children learned about the farm-to-table connection, ecology, and respect for the earth and all living things at Sunrock Farm. Many did this with their teachers and classmates as part of a school field trip while others did this as part of a day camp. The cost was $12 per child for tours and $235 per child per week for camps, but many families could not afford the modest fee. Friends of Sunrock Farm (FSF) provided financial assistance to low-income youth so that they too could discover their connection to the natural world through a farm visit. For the 2018-2019 school year, Dater Foundation funding enabled 1,831 disadvantaged children to experience Sunrock Farm via tours and day camps.

A message from Friends of Sunrock Farm --

After 38 years of service to the community, Sunrock Farm closed on 11/30/2019. The Friends of Sunrock Farm are grateful to the Dater Foundation, as well as all the foundations, companies, and individuals who helped us in our mission to enable all children to Touch the Earth at Sunrock Farm.

Amount: $10,000
Date: September 2018


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