
7796 Twelve Oaks Court
Cincinnati, OH 445255

Outreach Tour to Schools and Community Centers ROKCincy (Roundabout Opera for Kids) brings the thrill of live performance to schools and community centers as a free service.  The program has two beneficiaries: young people learn to appreciate performing arts as audience members, and local artists get practical experience.  A Dater grant supported ROKCincy’s tour of an operatic retelling of the beloved fairy tale classic, Little Red Riding Hood.  The colorful production engaged audiences while the novelty of operatic voices inspired curiosity.  After the performances, young audience members were able to ask questions and interact with the performers.  The program was seen by over 8,500 young people and families.
7796 Twelve Oaks Court, Cincinnati, OH 45255
(513) 262-4740
Project Title: Outreach Tour to Schools and Community Centers
Focus Area:  Arts Education

Amount: $20,000
Date: December 2017


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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731